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Syndicate Your Content Through Multiple Platforms

You are an expert in your field and have created loads of great content for your audience. Now where should you distribute it? How do you get started?

First you want to think about your ideal lead or customer…do you have them in mind? Great! Where do they hang out? What are their hobbies? What kind of car do they drive? Make sure you have really dug deep to know your prospect.

Once you know who you are looking for you will know where to find them.

Let’s take a deeper look into where you will distribute your content…social media. As a professional speaker and business owner my prospects consists of business owners and franchisees. The platforms that I use to reach my customers are LinkedIn and YouTube. With a business-focused platform, LinkedIn allows me to find and connect with Owners or Managers of a company and YouTube gives me a platform to show clips and information about my speaking business.

So where should you be looking for your business? Here is a look into what types of social media might be right for you.

Great for all types of businesses. Facebook has become business friendly allowing you to have a specific business page, events and the ability to advertise as well. Keep in mind that you should probably post about once or twice a day. Make sure that you are not trying to sell the business in your post, Facebook is supposed to be social, so ask questions, encourage comments and make posts about your company to reach the customer on a more personal level. Leave the selling to your Facebook ads.


LinkedIn really helps for Business to Business sales, job seeking and recruiting. Make sure you are more professional here than you would be on Facebook. This is old-fashioned networking on a digital platform. The importance here is to keep your company profile up-to-date and make sure your employees are mindful of their profiles as well because they could really help or hurt your LinkedIn presence.


Twitter is also good for everyone from small businesses to very large corporations. Share articles, videos, images and news about your company. Engage in conversation and utilize for customer service. Twitter allows for quick thoughts and ideas that help to convey who you are as a business and build a following.

Google +:Google-plus-icon-300x300

Google + is a great platform to share a little more professional content and boost your search engine appeal. Make sure you utilize keywords in your post and try to link back to your blog or website when you can.


I highly recommend you utilize YouTube for your business. It is the 2nd largest search engine after Google. Adding how-tos and information related to your industry on YouTube will help your search rankings as well as show your prospects you are a thought leader in your industry. Creating a YouTube video has become easier with the advancements in smartphones; you no longer need to drag out your video camera to shoot high definition footage. Turn on your phone and record a quick tip or customer testimonial so you can get that content to your prospects today!

Ok so I know that we have not covered every social media platform you can use for your business but these main five are a good start, especially if you aren’t using social media for your business currently. Get started sharing articles, videos, blog posts and information about your business. Make sure you know what network is more social and which is more professional and post accordingly.

What social network is most important for your business? What are your favorite posts to see from businesses? We would love to hear what you have to say in the comments section below.

Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

December 16, 2015 Posted By : Ford Saeks


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