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Using the Web to Position Yourself as an Expert

www.CompatibilityCode.com Website by Prime ConceptsWhat problems do people pay you to make go away?  Why do they spend money with you instead of your competition?  

If you’re like our client, compatibility expert Elizabeth E. George, you can quickly and easily answer the above questions because you’ve already clearly defined your USP (Unique Selling Proposition).  Your USP is that special “thing” or “things” that people look to you for and that differentiate you from the competition.

Although Elizabeth was clear on her USP– helping individuals and groups find forever love, relationship and marriage compatibility– she needed our help in using the web to position herself as an expert.

You might be thinking, “What a second– I know my stuff, but I wouldn’t categorize myself as an expert…”  Well, consider the questions below:

  1. Do the majority of your clients value your insights/products?
  2. Do you have the ability to help improve people’s lives and/or businesses?
  3. Do others teaching similar concepts or providing similar services/products charge “expert” fees?

If you answered yes to the questions above, you should consider yourself an expert in your niche!  Remember, other people may know the same things you know, but they don’t have the same life experience or unique perspective.

After claiming your expertise, you must position yourself as an expert on your website and social media profiles.  In Elizabeth’s case, we determined her image needed to be more visible, along with copy to support her position as an expert.

Graphic to Position Yourself as an ExpertGraphic to Position Yourself as an Expert

We created a custom graphic for her homepage that promoted her USP and then created a custom graphic for all her inside pages that promoted her expertise.  Combined with other copy, images and video throughout the website, as well as custom social media backgrounds, the result was compelling and effective.

If you’d like to check out Elizabeth’s new website, please visit www.CompatibilityCode.com and don’t forget to leave a comment to let us know your thoughts on using the web to position yourself as an expert!



Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

November 13, 2012 Posted By : Ford Saeks

1 Comment

  1. Agriculture Website Design

    Such a great post . I really happy to visit this post. It is very informative post for me.


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