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How to Monetize Your Expertise: Be An Expert

Being an expert is more than just being a speaker, consultant or author. You need to become a solutions expert, which means looking at what problems you solve that other people will pay to make go away. Let’s take a look at a few steps you can take to become a solutions expert.

  1. Identify the problem: This is the most important step. You can do this by talking to people in your audience or at business’ that are included in your avatar to really find your audience’s pain points and opportunities.
  2. Look into this problem: What might be the causes of this problem? You cannot solve the problem without knowing what you are really looking at. If you give an obvious solution that has no thought put into it, you will not position yourself as an expert but on the same level as common sense. This will cause you to lose credibility.
  3. Solve the problem: Make sure you offer the best solution. Really look over how to solve the problem and make sure you are able to offer the optimal result.thinking of solution

Solving the problem is your first step to getting customers or repeat customers. These steps will help you to streamline the process of creating the best solution for your target market. Now that you know how to get to the right solution let’s take a look at a few ways to get that solution to your audience.

  • Utilize long tail keywords: I know you have been talked to about the importance of keywords before, but how much have you focused on long tail keywords? These can be focused to answer those specific problem questions; How do I grow my business?, What will improve profit in a small business?. Using content to answer these specific questions while focusing on long tail keywords will help you get your solution to your audience.
  • Provide different steams of content: One of the most important aspects of your website especially in a problem/solution business is your blog. Your blog allows you to provide content freely that shows you as an expert and thought leader in your industry. I want you to go beyond your blog though. Post to your social media and create videos to get your solution based message out. Video marketing is one of the best ways to quickly produce and distribute your content on the web.
  • Take advantage of your list: Another important asset you should have as a speaker, author of consultant is a list of prospects, leads or past customers. Use this to spread your message. Send out content through email campaigns to this list to further meet their needs and keep in touch for future endeavors or solutions they may need your specific expertise.

This is just the start of how you can monetize your expertise. I will be looking deeper into this topic as well as how to vastly improve your marketing efforts at my event this December with my colleague Connie Podesta. Come join us in Dallas and discover everything you need to create and maintain a seven-figure speaking business.




Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

October 27, 2015 Posted By : Ford Saeks


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