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Making Better Decisions… Define and Use Your Superpowers!

You NEED to use your own Superpowers to make better decisions and move forward towards your goals.

So what do I mean by superpower? It’s your overall ability to use your mind to make decisions, develop your critical thinking skills, and then using all of that to produce the results you desire in your life!

Think about it, as children we all believe in superheroes and their superpowers… and we believe that we have our own as well! But somewhere along the way between childhood and becoming an adult, our beliefs and ideas in our own superpowers are squashed.

Now, I’m not saying that you should start believing that you can fly or try walking through walls, but it’s the fundamental idea that we ARE able to go above and beyond that’s important.

So, think about yourself as a superhero… and answer these two questions:

What superpowers do you have? And how do those translate into your personal and professional life?

I know it seems different at first but if you can start thinking about your superpower and how you can use that in your life, you’ll start to think outside the box, and begin to see and act differently than you have in the past.


Different thinking will lead to different decisions… which all lead to different results.

Well, that’s all for today! But I want to hear about your Superpower journey! Let us know how your Superpower is helping you reach higher success! Comment below on the blog, post on Facebook, or tweet using the hash tag   #SuperPowerBook

Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

August 16, 2012 Posted By : Ford Saeks


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