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Big Ideas For Small Businesses

12 Copywriting Tips Checklist

I'm constantly asked for a quick check list for copywriting...so I've gathered up a few tips to help you improve your marketing messages. 1) Use general & specific knowledge to craft the concept and message. 2) All the graphic elements are to get the prospect to...

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Google Adwords® and Ad Placement

Question: I want to use Google® Adwords to drive traffic to my site and there are already tons of Adword ads on my keywords. Is it a waste of time, money and effort adding my ad to the mix if it doesn't display on the first page? Answer: You'll get the highest click...

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Improve Your Website Conversion Ratings

Question: I want to improve my conversion rate—I get lots of visitors to my site, but few customers. How can I change that? Answer: You first need to know what's working and what's not. It comes down to matching the visitors with the type of solutions they want. If...

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