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Top 5 Things to Update on My website

Running a business is a lot like juggling, you have to focus on many different components to keep things running smoothly and make sure you don’t drop the ball. We are here to try to make that easier with a list of items to keep updated regularly, as well as a Monthly Maintenance Checklist for you to download so you can concentrate on running your company.

  1. Products & Services: Adding and enhancing your products or services is critical to getting the right kind of search engine traffic. Keep people updated on your new products, promotions and services so you get them to the right place.
  2. Home Page: This is your first impression, you don’t want it to have outdated information or a product that you no longer sell. Keep this up to date as your site changes and grows with information to promote that growth and current news.
  3. Staff Directory: People like people and knowing that they are working with a human being. Let them see your faces and get excited when someone new joins your team.
  4. Blog: A blog is an important piece of your website. You can promote products, share opinions and give your customers tips and information to show you as an expert in your field while also increasing your visibility with search engines.
  5. Testimonials: Videos and quotes from happy customers are a great way to share how great you are with potential clients or customers. Word of mouth marketing is a great way to spread the love and gain new customers.

These are the 5 things we at Prime Concepts Group think are important for you to update on your website to keep your company visible to your customers. There is still plenty more that will help with your SEO. Some of these are easy enough to do on your own, while others will take a little more work. Just remember we are here for you. PCG offers a fantastic monthly maintenance package to keep your site up to date and running smoothly. Let us take care of your website while you focus on what you do best!

Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

June 15, 2015 Posted By : Ford Saeks


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