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5 Awe-Inspiring Website Design Trends for 2014

Design is an important to every website.

People are very visual and good design can help to communicate the message you are wanting to get across. I’ve said it before and honestly believe that your website is your first impression to your client, put your best foot forward by following these design trends we have noticed this year.

Randy Gage Website Design

  1. Flat Design: One of the biggest design trends of 2014 is flat design. This really gives websites a clean, modern and simple look which is the biggest request from clients. Designers are achieving more by utilizing white space and giving a better user experience with less clutter on the site.
  2. Responsive Web Design: A responsive website rearrange the content on your website so it can be viewed on any screen size, including mobile smartphones and tablets. Smartphones have changed the game and mobile internet usage is on the rise so being able to access the same content on your phone as you can get on your desktop is even more important.
  3. Imagery: Websites are utilizing high quality images to showcase personality and products in a better way. Whether it is large slides or backgrounds, designers are applying big beautiful photos to websites in new ways.
  4. Content: Personality and relating to the consumer is really important today and content is a great way to captivate your audience. Portraying your message effectively, while still appealing to your targeted audience is key to keeping them engaged and on your site.
  5. Fixed Navigation: Everything is becoming more user friendly and navigation is no different. Having a fixed navigation bar allows the user to easily access those important pages without having to scroll to the top of the page.
There are many important pieces to website design. We are interested in hearing what you have noticed this year or what you think will become a trend in 2015. (It is right around the corner.) Please let us know below!
Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

October 13, 2014 Posted By : Ford Saeks


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